Learn how to draw Woodstock in 5 easy steps

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Wanna learn how to draw Woodstock in 5 simple steps? Just follow below step-by-step instruction. Enjoy drawing!

Step 1: Draw an oval for his head. It should look like a thin, sideways egg. Add guidelines if you like, but they’re not really necessary for a drawing this simple.


Step 2: Draw his eyes and hair. The hair is just a couple of squiggles around his face (don’t worry about realism since he’s a cartoon character) and remember, the eye is more of a dash than a dot!


Step 3: Draw a neck connected to a circle for his body. Add in his small wings and a tail almost like a sharp tooth jutting out.


Step 4: Add small rectangles for the legs. Attach long, thin ovals to them to serve as the feet.


Step 5: Color and outline your drawing. Make sure no excess guidelines remain. Woodstock is a brilliant sunshiny color, so use the brightest shade of yellow you have!


Step6 (Final Step): Successfully drawn your 1st Woodstock? Do you know you can create your own cartoon? No Previous Experience Or Artistic Talent required! Click Here! to find out.

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To Snoopy fans: Do you know you can create your own cartoon? No Previous Experience Or Artistic Talent required!
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Learn to draw Charlie Brown in 22 steps

Wanna learn how to draw Snoopy in 15 simple steps? Just follow below step-by-step instruction. Enjoy drawing!

Step 1: Start with a circle near the top of the page. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s just a guide for Charlie Brown’s head. Leave enough room at the bottom to draw his body.


Step 2: Next, draw two intersecting lines across the head shape, one vertical and one horizontal. Bend the lines a bit so that they contour to the shape of the head. These will be construction lines that will help you place Charlie Brown’s facial features later on.


Step 3: Draw a triangle-like shape under Charlie Brown’s head as a guide for the top part of the body. The top tip of the triangle should be hidden behind the head.


Step 4: Now draw a rectangular line under the triangle for the bottom part of the guide for Charlie Brown’s body. The bottom part of the triangle-like shape forms the top part of the rectangle.


Step 5: Draw a short line on the left side of the body with a small circle at the end. This will be a guide for Charlie Brown’s arm and waving hand on the left. Draw another small line and circle on the right side within the body for the other arm.


Step 6: Under the body, draw two more shapes as guides for Charlie Brown’s feet. Two very short lines make up the guides for the legs, and two long, flat oval-like shapes make up the guides for the feet.


Step 7: That’s it for the initial sketch! You have the basic shape of the Peanuts character Charlie Brown. Now go in and tighten your drawing. From this point on, press harder with your pencil in order to get darker lines and a more defined sketch.


Step 8: Draw a small curved line similar to a letter C right on above the horizontal construction line for Charlie Brown’s nose. The left edge of the nose should be where the vertical construction line is.


Step 9: On either side of the nose, draw a small dot for the eyes. Above each eye, draw a small line for Charlie Brown’s eyebrows.


Step 10: Under the nose, draw a long curved line for Charlie Brown’s mouth. This line should be closer to the bottom edge of the initial circle than it is to the horizontal construction line.


Step 11: Above the eyebrows, near the top of the head, draw line that loops for the tuft of hair on Charlie Brown’s forehead. The line is similar to a letter C with a curl on the bottom end.


Step 12: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw Charlie Brown’s head. Darken the line, but when you get to the right side, add an extra curved line similar to a backward letter C for the ear. Draw another curved line on the left side for Charlie Brown’s other ear.


Step 13: Draw two lines under the head for the neck. Use a series of angled lines under the neck to draw Charlie Brown’s shirt collar. The opening of the collar is similar to the letter M. The actual collar is similar to small rectangles.


Step 14: Use the side of the triangle-like shape, the initial line and circle as guides to draw Charlie Brown’s arm on the right. Draw the shirt’s sleeve by using the bottom part of the triangle-like shape as a guide. Follow the basic path of the line and make the arm thicker. Use a series of curved lines within the shape of the small circle to create Charlie Brown’s hand.


Step 15: Draw the outline of Charlie Brown’s shirt by using the initial shapes as guides. The bottom of the shirt should be near the middle of the initial rectangle shape. Within the shirt, draw two zigzag lines for the classic Charlie Brown shirt design.


Step 16: Use the line and circle on the left to draw Charlie Brown’s other hand. Make the arm thicker as you follow the path of the line. Then draw a few curved lines to outside of the circle for the fingers. Charlie Brown and the other children in the Peanuts gang are some of the few cartoon characters to have four fingers and a thumb. Most cartoon characters usually have three fingers and a thumb.


Step 17: Darken the bottom part of the rectangular shape to create Charlie Brown’s shorts.


Step 18: Use the line and flat oval-like shape to draw Charlie Brown’s foot on the right. Make the leg thicker as you follow the path of the line and add the sock. Darken the outline of the oval-like shape for the shoe and add three curved lines at the top for the laces.


Step 19: Use the other line and oval as guides to draw Charlie Brown’s other leg the same way. The leg on the left is behind the one on the right, so not all of it should be visible.


Step 20: That’s it! You now have a nice sketch of the Peanuts character Charlie Brown. You can stop at this quick drawing for a rough, sketchy look, or continue to the next step to go for a more finished look.


Step 21: For a more finished, inked look, carefully draw over the final sketch lines with a pen or marker. Wait for the ink to dry, and then erase all of the pencil marks. You now have a finished inked drawing of Charlie Brown! You can stop here or go to the final step to complete your Charlie Brown drawing in its entirety.


Step22: For a completely finished Charlie Brown drawing, you have to color it. You can use anything you want: markers, color pencils or even crayons! Color his skin peach. If you don’t have peach, improvise and use yellow-orange or light brown. The main part of Charlie Brown’s shirt and the socks are yellow. The shirt can sometimes be red. The zigzag stripe on the shirt and the shorts are black. The shoes are brown. That’s it! You now have a completed drawing of Charlie Brown form Charles Schulz’ Peanuts comic strip.


Step23(Final Step): Successfully drawn your 1st Charlie Brown? Share it with Snoopy Fans. Do you know you can create your own cartoon? No Previous Experience Or Artistic Talent required!
Click Here to find out.

Snoopy Flower Bouquet

Snoopy Flower Bouquet Showcase. Which pattern is your favourite?
Marriage Proposal? Birthday Gift for your Valentine? Thanksgiving to Mother? Any other idea, feel free to leave your comments.






Peanuts Egg Nesting Dolls

Peanuts Egg Nesting Dolls – Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, etc






Learn to draw Snoopy in 15 steps

Wanna learn how to draw Snoopy in 15 simple steps? Just follow below step-by-step instruction. Enjoy drawing!

Step 1: Start with an oval shape on the top half of the page. Below this oval, draw a shape that looks like a large water drop. These will be the basic shapes for Snoopy’s head and body.


Step 2: Next, draw two intersecting lines across the circle, one vertical line and one horizontal. Draw the horizontal line so it curves slightly and meets the top of the body shape. These will be construction lines that will help you place Snoopy’s features later on.


Step 3: Now draw Snoopy’s ear on the left side of his head below the horizontal construction line. Draw it so it looks like a letter U.


Step 4: Draw Snoopy’s arm so it looks like a U shape but slightly longer and on the inside left the body shape.


Step 5: Draw a long, flat oval below Snoopy’s body and attach it to his body with two vertical lines. Draw a similar oval that hides behind the first on the right side. Attach this oval to the body by drawing one more vertical line. These will be Snoopy’s legs and feet.


Step 6: Well , now you have the basic Snoopy shape, so it is time to tighten your drawing. From this point on, press harder with your pencil in order to get darker lines and a more defined sketch.


Step 7: Define Snoopy’s head shape by following the basic guide for his head, but dip the top right side in toward the center. Darken in his ear, making sure not to draw the part of his head that overlaps his ear.


Step 8: Draw an oval on the left side of the vertical construction line right below the horizontal construction line. Shade it in except for a small oval on the top to represent glare. This will be Snoopy’s nose. Draw a wide U-shaped curve near the bottom of Snoopy’s head that grazes the edge of his head for his mouth.


Step 9: To the left of the vertical construction line and above the horizontal construction line, draw two circles with curves on top of them that look like the number 6 and shade them in. These are Snoopy’s eyes. Above each eye on top of his head, draw a thick curve to represent his eyebrows. Draw the right eyebrow outside of his head.


Step 10: Draw a thick line just below Snoopy’s neck to represent his collar. Darken in the shape of his body except for the lower part where his legs are.


Step 11: Tighten the shape of Snoopy’s arm and draw two small lines within in it to represent his fingers. On the right side of his body, draw a leaflike shape using a couple of curved lines to make Snoopy’s tail.


Step 12: Darken in the shapes of Snoopy’s feet, and draw a few vertical lines on the right sides to indicate his toes.


Step 13: Draw an oval-like shape inside Snoopy’s ear to indicate the spot he has there and shade it in. Make it a rough spot – don’t draw it too perfectly. Draw in another spot in the form of a semicircle in on his back on the left side of his body and shade it in. Draw in another shape where Snoopy’s head meets his neck on the right side to indicate his other ear.


Step 14: That’s it! You now have a nice sketch of Snoopy, Charlie Brown’s pet dog from Charles M. Shultz’s comic strip Peanuts. You can stop at this quick drawing for a rough, sketchy look or go for a more finished look by continuing to the step below.


Step 15: For a finished, inked look, carefully go over the final sketch lines with a pen or marker. Wait for the ink to dry, and then get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser. You now have a finished inked drawing of Snoopy! There is no need to color Snoopy because he’s a black and white cartoon character. So that’s it! You now have a completed drawing of Snoopy, Charlie Brown’s pet dog from Charles M. Shultz’s comic strip Peanuts.


Step16 (Final Step): Successfully drawn your 1st Snoopy? Share it with Snoopy Fans. Do you know you can create your own cartoon? No Previous Experience Or Artistic Talent required!
Click Here! to find out.

NASA Snoopy Award

The Silver Snoopy award is a special honor awarded to NASA employees and contractors for outstanding achievements related to human flight safety or mission success. The award certificate states that it is “In Appreciation” “For professionalism, dedication and outstanding support that greatly enhanced space flight safety and mission success.” The award depicts Snoopy, a character from the Peanuts comic strip created by Charles M. Schulz.

The award is given personally by NASA astronauts as it represents the astronauts’ own recognition of excellence. It is presented at the workplace of the recipient with the recipient’s coworkers present. The Silver Snoopy award is one of several awards overseen by the Space Flight Awareness (SFA) program at NASA.


The award consists of a sterling silver “Silver Snoopy” lapel pin flown during a NASA mission, a commendation letter (stating the mission the Silver Snoopy pin was flown on) and a signed, framed Silver Snoopy certificate. Snoopy decals and posters are also given to the recipient.


Of all the SFA Awards, the Silver Snoopy best symbolizes the intent and spirit of Space Flight Awareness. An astronaut always presents the Silver Snoopy because it is the astronauts’ own award for outstanding performance, contributing to flight safety and mission success. Fewer than 1 percent of the aerospace program workforce receive it annually, making it a special honor to receive this award.

The award is a sterling silver Snoopy lapel pin that has flown on a Space Shuttle mission, plus a certificate of appreciation and commendation letter for the employee, both signed by the astronaut.


Employees must have significantly contributed to the human space flight program to ensure flight safety and mission success. Potential awardees must meet two or more of the following criteria:

  • Significantly contributing beyond their normal work requirements.
  • Performing a single specific achievement which contributed towards attaining a particular program goal.
  • Contributing to one or more major cost saving/cost avoidance.
  • Instrumental in developing program modifications that increase quality, reliability, safety, efficiency, or performance.
  • Developing or assisting with an operational improvement that increases efficiency and performance.
  • Developing a process improvement of significant magnitude.


Since 1968, the program has awarded almost fifteen-thousand people with a Silver Snoopy, as of Aug, 2016.

Silver Snoopy awards are limited to no more than 1% of eligible recipients. An individual can only receive one Silver Snoopy Award in their lifetime. The award is not given posthumously or as a recognition award for an individual’s longevity, retirement, or separation from service. In the event that a pin is lost, it may be replaced with a non-flown pin at the SFA Panel’s discretion.

The latest recipient is Bill Keenan, a manager at UTC Aerospace Systems (formerly known as Hamilton-Sundstrand) oversaw the design of countless electrical systems and parts for over 120 space shuttle missions during his 35 year career at the company.

Charlie Snoopy Wall Clock

Charlie Snoopy Wall Clock.







Click below link to view some clock for sale.


Snoopy Carnival – Lucky Draw

Snoopy Carnival – Lucky Draw

Who knows where this carnival was held (exact location)? And when was it held?
Please leave your answers in comments below (enter your email address correctly, so can contact you for luck draw prize).

Correct answers will be entered into luck draw. Lucky winner will win a special Snoopy gift. Valid period from 30th July to 15th Aug, 2016.

Winner Announcement:

Thank all participants in this lucky draw. The winner is Jenny Tan. Will send her the lucky draw prize 21 inch Snoopy Luggage.


which is worth $159 Singapore Dollars. Please join us to congratulate her again. Stay tuned for our next lucky draw.


