Snoopy-Macy 2024

Snoopy at Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade 2024

Since 1968, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in the U.S. has featured Snoopy and Charlie Brown character balloons, with the designs updated roughly every seven years. By 2023, the Peanuts-themed balloon was changed to Snoopy as the Beagle Scout leader, and staff wore Peanuts uniforms featuring the character Woodstock as a scout.

Snoopy Motorcycle – Scoopy

Snoopy Motorcycle – Scoopy

Scoopy, a Snoopy Motorcycle, was launched on September 9th, 2021 in Thailand. Its sales price was set at 54500 Thai Baht, around $1650 USD, limited stocks only 4500 sets in total, and each set comes with a free helmet.

Snoopy Home Furnishing 1 – Breakfast

This set of paper is double-sided printing, for example, the newspaper in the photo has both front and back content.

The background board is the set of special cardboard. In addition, there is a paper cabinet accessory on the side of the big box that can be cut and pasted on the special board.

Snoopy Breakfast Set

The white bag is made into a kind of slightly twisted shape on the chair. It is very interesting. It can be inserted with the newspaper.

Then the coffee cup comes in one-piece, the cover accessories are not detachable, and it is a small cup

The leather texture of the chair is quite good.

Snoopy’s Doghouse

Snoopy’s Doghouse

Almost as iconic as Snoopy himself is his signature red doghouse. “Normally, for a protagonist and antagonist, we would use color to play off each other, so we had to balance the red of Snoopy’s doghouse against the red of his arch enemy,” explains Dunnigan. “The Red Baron’s plane is just slightly more muted than Snoopy’s doghouse, which is a pure red.” Adds lighting supervisor Jeeyun Sung Chisholm, “The red of Snoopy’s doghouse is considered one of the hero colors established in the strip, so it was important that no other object had the same color.” Because of the sharp, contrasting colors present in Snoopy’s fantasy world, the doghouse can appear a bit darker while still maintaining consistency in design.

An up-close examination of Snoopy’s doghouse reveals all the great detail in the bevels, lines and styling that went into the design. “The doghouse was also rigged to be favourably shot in camera,” explains Dunnigan. “Like the characters, it needed to feel like the comic, so its perspective could be altered in camera to give the feeling of something we would see in the strips. So not only did Snoopy have custom rig, his doghouse did, too!